
sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Chager - PowerLab 8 (v2) 1344W

Para carga rápida em Baterias LiPo, o PowerLab 8 (v2) oferece até 1344W com uma fonte que forneça no mínimo 26,35VDC limitada a 60A. Aceita LiPo de 1S a 8S e pode ser ligado em uma rede de carregadores PowerLabs limitado ao máximo de 16 unidades.

Battery types: LiPo 1s to 8s, LiIon 1s to 8s, Lithium Manganese 1s to 8s, A123 (LiFePO4) 1s to 8s, NiCd 1s to 21s, NiMH 1s to 21s, 6v, 12v, 24v Lead Acid batteries (Flooded, Gel, AGM, SLA)
Pack capacity: 20 mAh to 360Ah
Input voltage: 10-32VDC, reverse polarity protected
Input current: 1A to 60A, software limited
Output battery charge current: Adjustable range 10mA to 40A, limited by 60A input current*
Output battery discharge current: 10mA to 10A, 100W max Regenerative discharge 10mA to 40A, 1344W max**
Continuous max output power: 612W @ +12VDC input, 1344W @ +26.35VDC
Cell balancing: Resolution 78uV (16 bit) for 1s-8s Li or A123 (LiFePO4) balanced charging
Voltage resolution: 78uV (16 bit)
Voltage tolerance: +/- 6mV
Charge current: +/- 1%
Capacity added to pack: +/- 1%
Percent capacity (“Fuel”): +/- 5% (with accurate fuel table defined for battery being charged)
LCD: 2 line, 16 character, light grey/blue backlit
Size: 5.82" x 6.55" x 3.57"

Fonte: Revolectrix 

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